Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cute handmade gift that kids can make for family and friends!

Every year I try to think of something cute and easy that my son can "give" to family members as a gift from him. This year the gift came in the shape of white ceramic coffee mugs, dexterously designed by my little 3 year old budding artist.

Originally, the idea I found online was a tutorial on creating unique custom pieces of china using black permanent marker. I decided to take it a step further by using the gamut of colors that Sharpie's now come in and letting my pre-school-aged son do most of the leg work.

I started off by buying a variety of plain, white ceramic mugs from The Christmas Tree Shop. They were only around $2 each. I already owned a giant set of permanent markers in (likely) every color they make (shocker, right?) Then I washed and removed the stickers from each mug (ok, so maybe I "forgot" a couple in my haste to have my 3 year old create works his masterpiece(s), I am human after all!)

I was hoping he'd be much more into coloring on the mugs than he is other types of artistic expression, but alas, it was a struggle to get him to cooperate with my master plan! Luckily I started the project weeks before the holidays hit so I was able to spread out the project and get him to scribble  on the mugs here and there. (If your child makes a mistake or wants to start over, simply wash the marker off and start again - it's that easy.) That's not to say that I had these little boogers done before Christmas, because they definitely were....not.

'Twas the night before Christmas and I, inside my small dwelling, launched a desperate attempt to complete gifts (without yelling)! 


After decorating the mugs with marker they need to bake in an oven set to 350 degrees for approximately 30 minutes. This process will seal in the color. But be forewarned - this personalized gift will only hold up to hand washing. A dishwasher gets far too hot and the delicate design may be lost forever down the drain! I added a note about this with each mug we gave away, which you may want to consider as well if you are tackling this project.

Here are our mugs baking:

And a shot of the note I made up to go along with each mug. The top hand prints are just borrowed from the internet, a quick google search for child's hand prints brings them up. 

Fun, right?

Not only that, but they are inexpensive, fool-proof and really sentimental! These can be stuffed with the recipient's favorite brand of tea, coffee or hot chocolate, some miniature marshmallows, chocolates, candy canes - you name it.

Everyone that received one, loved it! (Oh, and I also saved one for myself, teehee) :)

Have fun creating something with your little one that will certainly be cherished long past his scribbling days.

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