Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dying Easter eggs and homemade Easter basket made easy!

So today was a family gathering of sorts and as entertainment for the little ones, we did the traditional Easter egg dying extravaganza. My little monkey was mystified as this was his very first time dunking those pure white eggs into magical colored water and he just loved seeing them come back up transformed! 

Here is a shot of the action, the look on my son's face is priceless:

Of course, after the eggs were all dyed and dried, I came across a dilemma. We had no way to display them! No baskets of any kind were to be found anywhere (we purged a lot of our knick knacks in a very large garage sale last spring), so I had to improvise. I'd thought I'd share my solution with you all - cause it might help someone else out in a bind!

Make Your Own Easter Basket - It's Cheap, Easy and Quick!

All you need is a plastic container of some kind, it can be tupperware, a plastic bowl (preferably with steep sides) or an empty plastic container. I used an empty whipped topping container!

Then find a scrap of fabric, towel, receiving blanket or even a tshirt! I had half of a small yellow fleece blanket that I had cut up for a previous project. I have plenty of other kinds of fabric, but I didn't want to root through my stacks, and the yellow worked nicely and felt Spring-ish to me. 

The last thing you need is some plastic or paper basket filler. You can buy this, or you can shred up your own. I actually had a mostly full bag left over from Easter last year, and I only used a handful - so there's more for next year, too!

So here's how you put it all together...

Gather your materials...

Then wrap the fabric up and into the container of your choice. Just keep folding it and moving it until it seems to fit over the sides pretty well.

Fill it with the straw, plastic or paper need for glue, tape or any other adhesive, the weight of the eggs will hold everything down!

Add your eggs, candy or other Easter treats....

And you're done! Put that cute little homemade Easter basket on display!

It's that easy. From start to finish this project took me less than 5 minutes.

I love this idea because you can use stuff you have lying around the house, personalize it to your particular taste (I for one, shy away from the cheesy plastic stuff they have available at most stores this time of year), and when it's all over, disassembly is quick and painless.

I hope you can use this idea when you're in a pinch - I'm thinking about making another to stuff with some chocolate and treats for my little monkey!

Until next time, happy Spring!

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